If engaged to do so, SRG will author a business plan suitable for conversion To a private placement memorandum. The company will also refer the Client to a suitable SEC attorney group that will then produce said PPM if engaged to do so by the client and make any required Blue Sky filings in all states involved in the acquisition of funding. Further, SRG if engaged, will introduce the client to potential underwriters or sanctioned individuals who may wish to assist in selling the placement if engaged to do so by the client.

     The company will assist, at client’s request, in negotiation of a license for Intellectual Property rights. The company, if engaged to do so, will conduct a survey and analysis of the viability and marketability of the patent and determine whether it should be referred to a Patent Attorney group for a a legal determination of defensibility. If so, SRG will identify the most appropriate attorney group for the exercise, recommend and refer same.

     If engaged by the client to do so, SRG will produce a Business Plan suitable for conversion to a Private Placement Memorandum. It would include complete analysis of the market involved, unique selling proposition of the product, pro forma statement of cash flows, pro forma statement of operations, review of competitors and risk analysis, review of intellectual property, capitalization structure, profile of principals, regulatory requirements and strategy if appropriate, marketing plan, identification of distribution channels, ramp-up period with all associated costs break-even analysis and executive summary.

     If engaged to do so, SRG will conduct a complete market survey with analysis including a comprehensive index referencing all demographic sources cited. It will include but not be limited to who and what the market is, its size, what its drivers are, it’s historic and projected rate of growth. It will include a survey of all major competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, market share and segments they control, how and why. It will identify where the greatest opportunities exist for market entry and the garnering of share.

     SRG has extensive experience with Law Groups that specialize in various aspects of the business environment. If engaged to do so, the company will identify the best group for the job, whether it is FDA, SEC, Raising Capital, M&A, International Contracts, Incorporation, Patent etc. Whatever the issue at hand may be, SRG can put the client in front of the best attorneys in the specific area of law involved.

     SRG has staff at hand who have had extensive experience in writing investigative protocols for core studies and the set-up of Investigational Review Boards (IRB’s). This includes all documentation, control mechanisms, monitor identification, reporting period definition and minimum performance gates. In addition, the company is well versed in 510 (k) filings and works with appropriate entities to create quality manufacturing facilities and systems for not only FDA approvals but also CE Mark. If engaged to do so, SRG will assist as much or as little as desired in this area.

     When engaged to do so, SRG will assist in identification and contracting with source vendors who can supply all engineering drawings and documentation.
These vendors will take the project as far as the pre production prototype and proof-of-concept stage after which SRG, if engaged, will identify and set up the appropriate source manufacturer for a given product if appropriate or will assist in setting up in-house manufacturing for the client company.

     SRG has on its staff CPA’s who have worked in finance departments at Fortune 500 companies. They are familiar with configuration of P&L statements and the budget process and can furnish a budget for a start-up to break-even and beyond. Given assumptions on known states of nature in the market, they can accurately run financial projections out to five years using the incremental projection based on history model—in this case, the history of the market.

     SRG can furnish the client with a stand-alone Pro Forma Statement of Operations to include facility requirements and costs, Head count, job descriptions, salaries, source vendors, cost of goods sold, profit margins, man-month analysis, steady-state order rate, fixed overhead, pre-tax profits etc.

     SRG can provide a summary of the Company and its business suitable for a half-hour luncheon presentation to Wall Street Investment Bankers.
Simply stated, it includes who the people are in the company, what the product is, what the market is for the product, its unique selling proposition, what its long term potential is for return on investment and why individuals should get involved with the company now.

     The Executive Summary should be the hard copy hand-out version of the power point presentation so that investment bankers can read along and have something to take back with them as an information sheet to read from when recruiting investors. A good power point presentation tells investors the company is up to date and knows how to take full advantage of information technology. SRG can configure a Power Point Presentation suitable for presentations to the investment banking community.

     SRG is well connected at all levels internationally. If engaged, the company will introduce the client to distribution channels and distributors in Europe, Latin America and the Pacific Rim. In addition, the company has extensive experience in off-shore manufacturing and can assist in identification of appropriate source manufacturers outside the U.S. as well as set up of manufacturing. Additionally, the company has access to attorneys who specialize and have extensive experience in international contract law.

     SRG has staff on hand who specialize in web-site creation. If engaged, SRG will create a web-site that will augment the client company’s efforts to raise its profile and awareness while maximizing the marketing of its products worldwide. We also have certified Microsoft & UNIX engineers that can manage your entire IT department to reduce your overall IT operating cost.




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